Nguping Twitter #5 Facts Without Wikipedia Arif Setiawan, January 18, 2012March 3, 2018 Kalo anda lihat trending topic worldwide di twitter hari ini maka yang terlihat adalah hashtag #FactsWithoutWikipedia. Ya, memang hari ini ada aksi blackout dari wikipedia dan wordpress. Jika anda klik hashtag atau search di twitter, maka akan terlihat twit gurauan tentang fakta² yang terjadi jika tidak ada wikipedia :lol:. Menarik! Berikut contohnya. [View the story “Facts Without Wikipedia” on Storify] Facts Without Wikipedia Storified by Arif Setiawan· Sat, Feb 02 2013 23:00:36 Why SOPA Is Dangerous? The Internet is a voice. Government censors the Internet. Your freedom of speech gets violated.I ❤ SHORT FEMALES™ The West Island of New Zealand is more commonly known as “Australia”. #FactsWithoutWikipediaPaul Matthews Rebecca Black, Jacob Black and Sirius Black are relatives. #FactsWithoutWikipediaStudents of Hogwarts Superman is a flying wizard… without a broomstick. #FactsWithoutWikipedia of Hogwarts Bruno Mars is not a professional weatherman. He’s just a pop star who knows it will rain. #FactsWithoutWikipediaI ❤ SHORT FEMALES™ MySpace < Facebook < Twitter #FactsWithoutWikipediaI ❤ SHORT FEMALES™ For anyone confused about the dangers of #SOPA, here’s a one-page summary to help: #factswithoutwikipediaRichard Flynn #FactsWithoutWikipedia The characters from sponge bob were based on the 7 deadly sins.ಠ_ಠ ¯_(ツ)_/¯ List of notable Nobel Winners: Tony Blackburn (1934), A sad owl (1951), Paul McCartney feat. Optimus Prime (1978). #factswithoutwikipediaIvan Brett Selamat Menyimak! 🙂 Oiya, untuk yang belum tahu apa itu SOPA (dan PIPA), agar lebih mudah bisa menyimak infographics simple ini atau yang lebih komplit. atau bisa lihat video ini. → 85 readers Related Social Media Nguping TwitterWikipedia